
In 2017, the International Conference on Trustworthy Systems and Their Applications (TSA) and the International Symposium on Dependable Computing and Internet of Things (DCIT) were merged into one large conference and renamed the International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications (DSA). This year will be the ninth meeting after the merge. In the past, both TSA and DCIT were technically sponsored by the IEEE Reliability Society. Following the same tradition, DSA 2025 also has the same technical sponsorship from IEEE. The focus is on innovative methodologies, techniques, tools, and management to produce dependable and trustworthy systems and their applications more cost-effectively. In particular, this year's conference emphasizes using emerging AI and machine learning/deep learning technologies to further enhance existing approaches. DSA 2025 provides an opportunity for academic researchers, industry practitioners, and government policy and decision-makers to exchange ideas and results, share experiences, and explore possible solutions to overcome current challenges. It will be held from November 24-26 and hosted by the American University of Sharjah, which is about 20 minutes from Dubai, the United Arab Emirates.

News & Announcements

  • Conference website launched
  • Keynote Speaker

    Keynote 1: TBA
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    Keynote 2: TBA
    's avatar

    Keynote 3: TBA
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    Topics of Interest

    • Algorithms, Architecture, Framework, Design Patterns, and Maintenance for Dependable Systems and Software
    • AI and ML/DL-based Techniques for System Dependability
    • Dependability of Generative AI
    • Security, Threats, Privacy, Safety, and Risk Management
    • Dependability and Reliability Modelling and Measurement
    • Requirements, Process, Standards, Productivity, and Project Management
    • Quality Assurance, Maintenance, Reverse Engineering, and Re-Engineering
    • Verification, Validation, and Testing
    • Analysis, Debugging, Model Checking, and Program Repair
    • Metrics, Measurement, and Quality Assessment
    • Communication, Networking, Optimization, and Performance
    • Fault Tolerance, Survivability, Resilience, and Availability
    • Collaborative, Distributed, Embedded, Real-Time, High Performance, Highly Dependable, Intelligent, and Multimedia Systems
    • Big Data and Analysis
    • Prognostics and Health Management
    • IoT, Supply Chain, Cyber-Physical Systems, Industry 4.0, and Smart City
    • Empirical Studies, Benchmarking, and Industrial Best Practices
    • Applications and Tools and Automation
    • Approaching Artificial Creativity


    Southwest Jiaotong University

    Technical sponsor

    IEEE Reliability Society

    Conference patrons

    American University of Sharjah
    Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
    Beihang University
    Beijing High Quality of System Technology Ltd.